Museums as social and cultural spaces for active ageing: evidence, challenges, and opportunities
DOI: clave:
Museums; Elderly; Social Connectedness; México; access to cultural spaces.Resumen
The work addresses access to Museums as cultural spaces by older adults in Mexico. The access, use, and knowledge they have regarding museums are analyzed. The analysis is carried out by rural or urban origin, travel time, gender, education levels, among other variables. The database used is the Museum Statistics for 2017 published by INEGI in 2018 and the method used consisted of crossing variables. The National Statistical Directory of Economic Units database was accessed to cross-check statistical information with georeferenced points of museums throughout the country. The work adds two different dimensions of study, 1) to the studies of aging and old age, when verifying the mobility, cultural interests and social connectivity of the elderly and, 2) to the studies on museums and cultural spaces, by demonstrating the persistence of access and interest on the part of older adults.
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Derechos de autor 2021 Oscar Gerardo Hernández Lara, Benjamin Toney

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