Peer Review Policy
Peer Review [double blind]:
The arbitration process adopted by the journal Culturales is double-blind, where the article, after approving the editorial review process, will be assigned to two external evaluators, specialists in the subject – maintaining the anonymity of the authors – who review and evaluate the content and quality of the text. The evaluators shall deliver an informed opinion [assessment] and a final result which may be:
- Accepted
- Accepted with Modifications
- Rejected
According to the comments of the evaluators and considering the type of modifications indicated, the Directorate of Cultures may request a third evaluation, if it conforms to the following nomenclature:
Note: All evaluation results are unappealable.
1. Modifications, corrections, comments:
- If the article is APPROVED, all opinions will be sent to the "responsible author" to review and match the comments and corrections made by the evaluators.
- The authors undertake to make the modifications and attend to the indicated indications.
- The maximum period for making the modifications and adaptations will be 30 days, from the submission of the opinions.
- Upon modifications, the "responsible author" uploads the final version of the manuscript to your account within the prescribed period. When submitting your corrected version, you must include in a separate file the list of modifications you ate and the general comments of the addition or not of the same in the new version.
2. Editing process:
Once the period of modifications and adaptations has been completed, the editorial team of Culturales will review and analyze the final version of the manuscript and verify that all the recommendations indicated by the evaluators have been integrated. Having done this, the editing and layout stage will begin for later publication.