Infidelity in young university students: interpersonal relationships and sexual behavior based on the analysis of proximal variables




Interpersonal relations, emotions, Sexual behaviour


Infidelity is a multi-causal phenomenon, with personal, family, and social consequences that affect physical and emotional health. The aim of this study is to identify groups of young university students with a relationship in the last year, based on the variable infidelity and to describe their features from proximal variables. A total of 172 women and 44 men between the ages of 18 and 30 participated in the study. The variables infidelity, conflict
management, communication, jealousy, and sexual behavior were measured. As a result, three groups with different particularities were identified: "emotional infidelity desire" who establish romantic bonds; "non-infidels" who do not commit adultery and "sexual infidels" who are those people who practice sexual infidelity; concluding that "non-infidels" are less jealous, communicate assertively and resolve couple conflicts more effectively in contrast to "sexual infidels".


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Author Biographies

Aníbal Uriel Peña Peña, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Mexican. Masters in Teaching Practice, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Lines of research: couples and couple conflicts. Latest publications: The use of ICT in the creation of teaching strategies (2017) and Psychoanalytic analysis of prepaid prostitution (2014).

Brenda Mendoza González, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Mexican. Doctor of Psychology. Lines of research: Family, violence and cohabitation Latest publications: “Does students participating in school violence also participate in cyber aggression episodes?” (2021) and Lara, B.; Mendoza, B. & Serrano, M. (2021) Description of raising in the 21st century, perception of adolescent sons and daughters.


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How to Cite

Peña Peña, A. U., & Mendoza González, B. (2022). Infidelity in young university students: interpersonal relationships and sexual behavior based on the analysis of proximal variables. Culturales, 10, 1–28.