What should be known about predatory and pirate journals?





Predatory journals, Pirate journals


Although the subject of predatory and pirated journals is something that should draw our attention and be carefully reviewed, it is important to contextualize and understand why it has come to this point before analyzing its details. Scientific articles are the concrete evidence of knowledge production and, nowadays, a mandatory requirement for disseminating research results. Structural modifications that brought the neoliberal wave in the '90s produced a significative and gradual change in the conception of what is understood as the knowledge society, where the reforms of public policies that are linked with the development of research and teaching became an echo of academic capitalism, creating the idea of a university with a business vision, where scientific production has an economic value. In this new scenario, people involved in teaching and research must act in a context full of changes.


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How to Cite

Jiménez-Yañez, C., & Colmenares-Díaz, Z. (2022). What should be known about predatory and pirate journals?. Culturales, 10, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.22234/recu.20221001.ed001