Participatory action to make women visible in neighborhood life
Women, Working Life, Urban spaces, Cultural management, Cultural diversityAbstract
The article presents the findings derived from the implementation of a Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology, highlighting the current situation of women around positive and negative aspects of neighborhood life, within the sociocultural environment in Analco, Puebla. The importance of women in sustainable development is emphasized through the application of traditional and contemporary knowledge in its social, economic, cultural and political dimensions, which strengthen relationships in community spaces. To achieve this, exploratory tours, identification of social actors, structured and unstructured interviews, mapping and a final reflection of the findings related to women´s participation in neighborhood life and their right to the city were carried out. Based on the results, we find the importance of implementing Community Cultural Management (GCC) strategies that promote women's participation and social bonding in a subjective construction of the neighborhood.
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