On inclusions that exclude.

Desert, indigenous otherness and national territoriality in the first Argentinian cartographic productions





desert; indigenous otherness; national territory; maps; argentine Nation-State


Territorial representations have been fundamental for the formation of modern Nation-State. This article analyzes the ways some cartographic productions disseminated during the Argentine Nation-State formation and contributed to create hegemonic image of the country. More specifically, it studies the mechanisms by which those representations defined the Pampean-Patagonian region as a desert, that is to say, as a differentiated space of the nation. This work reflects on the process of unmarking Argentinian identity and marking indigenous otherness by considering the thesis in which the concept of desert in Argentina involves an historical and political way of asking about the social relationship with indigenous people. In this way, it seeks to contribute to the recognition and the historical contextualization of the Argentine space-temporal process of collective identification and control of sociocultural diversity.


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Author Biography

Julio Leandro Risso, Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego

Argentino. Doctor por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, con especialidad en Ciencias Sociales. Licenciado en Ciencia Política (orientación análisis político) y profesor de grado universitario en Ciencia Política por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Actualmente se desempeña como docente e investigador en el Instituto de Cultura, Sociedad y Estado (ICSE) de la Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego (UNTDF). Sus áreas de investigación e interés son: ciencias sociales interdisciplinarias, estudios sobre el Estado y la diversidad sociocultural en Argentina. Sus publicaciones recientes son: "Estado. Del monstruo a la máscara: algunas reflexiones" en Juan Acerbi (comp.) Diez conceptos (no tan) básicos de Ciencias Sociales. Ushuaia: UNTDF Editora. 2018; "Otros-Nos. Algunas reflexiones (sobre) lenguaraces y cautivas más allá de las dualidades identitarias", en TEFROS: Facultad de Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, 2017, 15 (1), pp. 98-127.



How to Cite

Risso, J. L. (2020). On inclusions that exclude.: Desert, indigenous otherness and national territoriality in the first Argentinian cartographic productions. Culturales, 8, 1–39. https://doi.org/10.22234/recu.20200801.e517