Performance pedagogies: Aesthetic-political strategies to rethink the relation masculinity/femicide in the Estado de Mexico's urban periphery
Pedagogía; violencia de género; feminicidioAbstract
The article analyzes the role that men adopt to tackle violence against women that prevails in Ecatepec, Estado de México. Thus, the work explores pedagogies that use performance as a tool against femicide. These pedagogies have carried out among male and female students from Francisco Villa 128 high school, located in Ecatepec. Under theoretical category, “intercorporeality”, this work approach to some of these male students’ testimonies, in order to investigate the articulation between body, knowledge and masculinity. In this regard, the article aims to understand how these male students, through the interactions that they have with their female classmates within the performance, acknowledge violence against women within their communities and, at the same time, start to think their male identities. I conclude that these pedagogies represent an aesthetic/political strategy where these students, through the production of embodied knowledges, imagine alternative ways to understand gender relations in the urban periphery.
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