Author Guidelines
Manuscript Requirements and Structure Guidelines for Authors
a) Word format [editable]
b) Letter size sheet [21.59 by 27.94 cm.] [8" by 11"]Letra Times New Roman imes New Roman Letter [all manuscript]
c) Type Times New Roman [all manuscript]
d) Size 12 points [all manuscript, minus footer]
e) Double interline [all manuscript, minus footer]
f) Justified text
g) Numbered pages [bottom right margin, with numbers Arabic]
h) Extension between 8 000 and 10 000 words [including tables, figures and bibliographic references]
i) The manuscript must not include any information that refers to the author or authors.
j) Personal sheet of each author: all authors must fill out and submit the author's form in an annex file [apart from the manuscript] containing: full name, ORCID record, institutional affiliation, email, nationality, the last degree research and the two most recent publications.
The manuscript should contain:
k) Title in spanish and english, maximum 16 words [Spanish], in bold and centered.
l) Abstract in English and Spanish, maximum 150 words [Spanish].
m) Presentation of the Summary: The summary should describe and include specifically for the justification of the topic, its objectives, the characteristics of the context, the methodology used and the Results/conclusions highlights. Drafting is open but should be prepared in a coherent and clear manner, and should not include quotations or footnotes.
n) Keywords in English and in accordance with the UNESCO Thesaurus [minimum 3, maximum 5].
o) The name and adscription of the person who performed the English translation of the title, summary and keywords must be included.
p) The processing of citations and references must conform to the American Psychological Association's Publications Manual [APA]. Bibliographic alcitalists shall be presented at the end of the document in alphabetical order, with French indentation and must correspond only to the works cited in the body of the text.
q) Tables, figures or photographs must be integrated into the text and duly numbered with their respective source.
r) If the work has been done with any form of financial support, it should be indicated on the first page of the text, in the first footnote.
s) Footnotes will only be used to record a short annotation. They will not be used for bibliographic references. They will be written in Times New Roman, size 10 points and simple leading.
Presentation of Reviews:
The application for publication of bibliographic reviews will be made through the portal of the Culturales [register].
- It will have an extension of 6 to 8 pages [letter size].
- The reviewed works must be related to the study and research of cultural, sociocultural and/or culture studies.
- Works reviewed by the authors, coordinators, compilers, and/or editors of the work will not be accepted.
- They must include a bibliographic record of the book examined, the ISBN and the reviewer's data: full name, ORCID and institutional affiliation.
- In a separate file you must attach the image of the book cover in image format [jpg, png, tif, gif, bmp].
- The review acceptance and publication process must be followed through the reviewer's user account.
- All reviews will be reviewed and evaluated.