Between pathologization and the exercise of full citizenship: The experience of LGBTTTI people
LGBTTTI population, sexual citizenship, pathologization, performativityAbstract
The purpose of this article is to present a theoretical analysis on factors that influence the exercise of citizens’ rights and the visibility of LGBTTTI people in the contemporary democratic State. We consider that a weight of the legal advances achieved continues to permeate in the collective imagination and public institutions a pathological discourse on non-heterosexual people, which generates, on the part of the State, its invisibilization, and on the part of the members of the collective, a lethargy in the search for their rights. However, people through different performative acts, in everyday life, negotiate, finding spaces, situations, people, contexts in which they consider viable, safe, fruitful to be visible, helping with this to counteract the pathological discourse and achieve certain rights of citizenship in a strategic and often partial and temporary way.
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